The Power Of In-Person Masterminds


I just hosted one of my weekend Elite Mastermind group sessions and Lori and I both feel so recharged from the amazing guest speakers and talented people who were in that room. Lori shares something that executive life coach Adrian Koehler said, which is, “What do you know for sure that you spend way too much time trying to prove is false?” It made me think about where my decision making is coming from and how to lead from a place of trust. 


I was really impacted by what Dan Fleischman, a genius marketer, had to say about people waiting for this ‘bubble’ to pop. With all of the resources and advances in technology that we’ve seen since 2010, there’s no way we’re going to have a repeat of the mid-2000s recession. Listen in to hear more about what was covered at the mastermind this weekend and why it’s so important to get yourself into these kinds of rooms.



Instagram: @loriharder

Lite Pink: @drinklitepink

Earn Your Happy: @earnyourhappy

Girlfriends & Business: @girlfriendsandbusiness

Listen to Earn Your Happy

Listen to Girlfriends & Business



Instagram: @chriswharder


Listen to The Chris Harder Show 



( 1:02 ) Welcome back to another He Said She Said episode of The Chris Harder Show.

( 3:50 ) Lori talks about what really stuck with her from the mastermind over the weekend. 

( 5:45 ) Lori opens up about some of the thoughts that hold her back. 

( 8:12 ) Chris explains why there isn’t going to be a big ‘bubble’ pop like there was in 2008/2009.

( 9:23 ) Chris gives an update on his NFT experience. 

( 11:14 ) Lori and Chris talk about how much power we have by simply having access to Google. 

( 12:55 ) There are still some spots left for the Fast Foundations Mastermind.

I Googled my
way to learning
how to start a
beverage company.

You’re Going To Hear About:

  • Background on Adrian Koehler and Dan Fleischman, the incredible guest speakers at the Elite Mastermind event this weekend
  • Major breakthroughs that we both had at this event 
  • How things like web3.0, smartphones and Google have built a safety net that we didn’t have in the mid-2000s
  • The power of in-person mastermind events

Resources Mentioned:

  • Grab your spot at the next Fast Foundations Mastermind at
  • Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.