If you spend at least one hour per week teaching in other people’s groups over the next few months, I’m confident that you can bring in 10 to 20 new clients. It might sound like there’s a huge catch to this strategy, but I swear it’s brought in over $1M in revenue for me over the years.
Getting the spotlight and teaching in an intimate setting is the fastest way to earn that “know, like, and trust” factor that you need for making sales. Listen in as I share exactly how to start guest speaking and growing your audience in an authentic way.
Episode Timeline & Discussion Questions:
(1:21) Welcome back to The Chris Harder Show. Today, Chris is talking about the most underrated way to increase your client base.
(3:24) Join Chris on March 31st at the Fast Foundations Masterclass
(4:56) Chris explains why teaching in other people’s groups is the fastest way to get more customers.
(7:43) Chris shares real life examples of how this strategy works.
(10:33) Chris demonstrates how to convert the borrowed audience into your permanent audience and customer base.
(13:43) Chris asks listeners to share the podcast and leave a 5-star review.

No matter what you
teach or sell, get in
these groups, teach
them for an hour and
blow their minds. I
guarantee you will
walk out with clients.
You’re Going To Hear About:
- Examples of different group formats you can teach in
- Why it’s so important to intentionally pitch yourself as a guest speaker
- How to organically convert your audience into customers
- What I use for my low resistance, high value offer
Resources Mentioned:
- Join us at the FREE Fast Foundations Personal Branding Masterclass on March 31st: fastfoundations.com/masterclass
- Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras or Business Perspective messages to boost your day.