Most widely known for his roles on ABC’s The Bachelorette and The Bachelor, you will soon realize that my guest, Ben Higgins, is more than just a reality TV star. After his time on The Bachelor, he used that platform to help others and create a dynamic business model in the process. And it all began with his friend’s non-profit organization called Humanity and Hope United.
Believing whole-heartedly in this organization’s mission to assist underserved villages in remote parts of Honduras, Ben wanted to ensure the longevity and success of it. And that’s when they got the idea to create a for-profit business with the purpose of supporting a non-profit. This business model is pure genius and he predicts that it’s only the beginning for other future businesses.
I cannot wait for you to hear Ben’s story and how he seems to embody all things generosity. It’s no surprise that relating, connecting and being generous with people are so important to him. From his business model to his blog and podcast, Ben gets super transparent in an attempt to let people know that at the heart we’re all the same and that we all have a passion to share with the world.
Don’t be surprised if this episode blows your mind and likely gives you a nudge to give back more, too.
Question Highlights:
o What was life like before The Bachelor vs. after?
o Growing up, what did you think you’d be doing as an adult?
o Was your new-found fame easier to deal with because of your desire to work with people?
o How did you learn to cope with trolls and negative comments that came with your fame?
o Do you feel you have a responsibility to use your influence for good or is it a choice?
o How does your podcast give back?
o How have your parents dealt with your fam?
o What makes for a successful blog?
o What is one of the toughest parts of running a non-profit business?
Ben’s Thoughts…
“Stay open to the criticism, but also be confident enough to know that you may have to reject it sometimes because you know what your intentions are.”
“You can live life simple. It doesn’t have to be hard.”
“When much is given, much is expected.”
“Profit is sacred.”
“The more profit we make, the bigger the long-term impact.”
“From start to finish, we want to be generous.”
“When we are loving on others and building relationships, life makes more sense.”
“No one should be apologetic about wanting to live a great story.”
Ben Higgins is from Winona Lake, IN but currently calls Denver, CO home. People may know Ben best from his time on season 20 of ABC’s “The Bachelor.” The Bachelor has allowed Ben an enhanced platform to share what he is most passionate about which is his faith, his hope for humanity, and his love for sports. Today Ben, along with some of his closest friends, started a few new projects that take up his free time.
The projects include the Mahogany Workplace blog, which allows people to talk about life exactly how it is: a series of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, pain and triumph; a for-profit company called Generous International; a podcast with IHeart Media called “Almost Famous” with co-host friend and former Bachelor contestant Ashley I.; and a board seat with the nonprofit organization Humanity and Hope United.

You’re Going To Hear About:
- The unexpected and difficult growth that happened during Ben’s time on The Bachelor
- Dealing with sudden fame
- The power in knowing that you can’t please everyone
- Why it’s important to always be aware of what your intentions are
- The common desire that everyone wants to be loved and not be alone
- The importance of authenticity in a blog
- How Ben used The Bachelor platform to create Generous International
- How Generous International was founded
- Why Generous Coffee can compete with big brands like Starbucks
- Why future businesses will need a social cause tied to them
- How Generous International works with Humanity and Hope United to develop communities and make sustainable change in the world
- Why the non-profit world needs your passion
- And so much more…
Resources Mentioned:
- Humanity and Hope United
- Generous International/Generous Coffee
- Mahogany Workplace Blog
- Almost Famous Podcast
- IG: @higgins.ben
- Twitter: @benhiggi
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