Time for a little wake-up call, friends! There can be many reasons why you’re not yet where you want to be, but today I am going to go over four of them.
When Lori and I were doing only around 250K a year we got sick and tired and decided to just “GO FOR IT”…and went from 250,000 to over 1 million in one year.
- Your Goals Are WEAK. You’re shooting too low…thinking that you’ll just take slow, incremental steps to wealth instead of really exploding! Why not think bigger and set bigger goals? You’re not setting the bar high enough. And then when you do, just work backwards, and think out of the box. So what kind of crazy, amazing goal are you going to set this year?
- Your Tribe ISN’T Helping You. While your tribe might be amazing, great people, but if they haven’t been to where YOU’RE SHOOTING FOR, then they have nothing to teach you. It’s time to find a new tribe of people who you surround yourself with. You don’t have to tell your current one to “peace out” but you need to reach out to additional, different people who will up-level your tribe.
- You’re Too Damn Conservative. You’re probably placing too much value on your current “stability” and if you place too much focus on that, you will not be able to take the proper “risks” that you need to take in order to go to the next level. Make a radical change to get a radical new outcome! Take some risks when it’s smart.
- You’re Mentally Weak. I say this with the most love possible, honestly. You’re scared and afraid of what people might say if you fail or make changes. You’re afraid you might look silly. You’re not willing to push through the uncomfortable part and endure a short-term struggle in order to reach that long-term success! You’re not willing to turn off the tv and pick up a book to learn what you need to learn. Your mental discipline needs a good workout!
“These four reasons are why you DESIRE to lead a better life, but you are not yet leading an EXTRAORDINARY life.”
You see, these four reasons have been holding you back. And again, I say talk about these with some serious love for you. They’re the reasons that you DESIRE to lead a better life but you’re not yet living an EXTRAORDINARY life. If you can get these four areas cleaned up and corrected, just imagine what your life could look like in a matter of months!

You’re Going To Hear About:
- Why your tribe could be holding you back
- Four reasons you’re not yet rich and how to make some changes in order to fix them
- How you’re probably setting crappy goals and don’t even know it
Resources Mentioned:
- Now accepting applications for the 2019 For the Love of Money Mastermind as well as VIP Days and one-on-one coaching. Go to fortheloveofmoney.com/mastermind or drop Chris a line at [email protected]!
- For more stories and tips on becoming unapologetically wealthy, follow me @Chriswharder on Instagram and check out fortheloveofmoney.com.