I first heard today’s guest, Nick Santonastasso, speak at the recent THRIVE event I attended and I am so grateful I did. Not only is his story remarkable, but just the way he delivered his inspirational message on stage sent goosebumps straight up my arms.
Born with Hanhart Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that left him without legs, an underdeveloped right arm and a left arm with only one finger, Nick’s parents were told early on all the things he would likely never be able to do. His parents threw that list away and Nick has been shattering those glass ceilings ever since. As a fitness model, inspirational speaker and now author of the book, Victim to Victor, Nick is instilling his can-do-anything attitude and energy with the world.
This was such an awesome conversation and I can’t wait for you to hear the wisdom that comes out of this 22-year-old’s mouth. Check out how you can get a free copy of Nick’s book in Resources!
Question Highlights:
- What is one of your superpowers?
- What is one of your favorite books?
- What is one thing you’re challenged by right now?
- Who is someone who’s changed your life?
- What can you tell us about Hanhart Syndrome?
- Do you remember the age you realized that you were born differently?
- What was it like growing up “different?”
- When was the first time that you shifted from having down-and-out feelings to being the inspiration you are today?
- What role did your parents play in who you are today?
- What is your one biggest piece of advice for parents today?
- What would “doing enough” look like?
- What do you believe the purpose of earning a significant amount of money and being successful is?
- What is the message of your book, Victim to Victor, and what makes it so special?
“What are you willing to do to pivot?”
“You need to focus 110% effort on whatever you’re doing or you’re going to sell yourself short.”
“If you believe in yourself to do great things, why would you sell yourself short?”
“It’s not selfish to level up.”
Nick Santonastasso is a medical miracle. Not only is he one of four people alive with the rare genetic condition, Hanhart Syndrome, the inspirational keynote speaker is an internationally known bodybuilder and fitness model – despite missing both his legs and one arm since birth. The high-energy youth shares his amazing story, showing people that anyone can thrive if they have the determination and willpower to go after what they want. When Nick was born, the doctors handed his parents a long list of things that he would never be able to do. Nick’s parents politely thanked them and threw the list out. They raised Nick the same way they had raised his three able-bodied older siblings and instilled in him never to let the world tell him what he could or couldn’t do.
Follow me on social media @ChrisWHarder on Instagram and check out www.ForTheLoveOfMoney.com

You’re Going To Hear About:
- What Hanhart Syndrome is and how it’s impacted Nick’s life
- Why energy is contagious
- Why Nick made the decision to amputate his right arm
- Turning outside noise into fuel
- Why Nick’s parents are his heroes
- Why everything is a muscle
- Why Nick doesn’t feel like he’s doing “enough” sometimes
- Why Nick wants to give people experiences and take care of people when they need help
- Nick’s new book, Victim to Victor
- The importance of storytelling in learning
Resources Mentioned:
- IG: @nicksantonastasso
- BookNickSanto.com
- Victim to Victor by Nick Santonastasso http://a.co/d/iDiPDRz
- Chris will send a copy of Victim to Victor to the first 20 people who DM him @chriswharder on IG requesting the book.