Today’s episode was spurred by a question I received via Instagram. And while I could have just answered on there, I figured it deserved a longer, more quality and REAL response.
The question was: “How do you think someone’s relationship could affect their success and how do you find a partner like this?”
Fair warning, my answers may lead to a huge wave of self-reflection. Firstly, in my opinion, a person’s romantic relationship massively affects success. How can we expect it not to when our partners share our finances, time and energy – among other things. And let’s not forget that these people are also the people we want to celebrate our successes with.
“If your partner is aligned with your goals, you’re going to have a higher chance of succeeding.”
They can have different goals and drivers, but they understand your ambition and likely have their own as well. On the flip side:
“The wrong partner can ruin your success.”
Now don’t get me wrong. Just because you’re with the “wrong” partner doesn’t mean they’re not a good person – it just means that they’re not in alignment with your goals and ambitions.
“People can be good people but the wrong partner at the same time.”
Just to give you an idea, the right partner provides:
• You with ideas and supports yours
• The right style of accountability
• Objectivity in a way that you can receive it (and not take offense)
Let me stress here that I am only answering the question. You definitely don’t NEED a romantic partner to be successful. It could be a friend, business partner – or perhaps it’s just you.
When it comes to the second portion of the question about how you find a partner, I don’t think you can find one, but let me explain. When Lori and I met, we weren’t amazing partners…at least not right from the start. We were a couple of party kids from Wisconsin who liked to go out, visit But here’s the thing, we both were dreamers and had big goals for our future lives. And we both had equal levels of ambition and drive in each of our fields.
“We were always willing to try the other’s ideas on for size.”
We didn’t start out with perfect communication. There were fights and tears, but today we are committed to getting better as partners. We still have disagreements, but know how to objectively get through them. I hope that after listening to this episode that you’re able to also discover what is needed to help you (and perhaps your partner) elevate your life and dreams to the next level.

You’re Going To Hear About:
- Whether or not someone’s relationship affects their success
- Qualities of the “right” partner
- Why you DON’T need a romantic partner (or any partner) to find success
Resources Mentioned:
- A Tribe Called Bliss by Lori Harder – Order now at
- Ready to turn your 6-figure income into a 7-figure income? Drop a line to me at [email protected] if you’re interested in coaching with me.
For more stories and tips on becoming unapologetically wealthy, follow me @Chriswharder on Instagram and check out