The #1 Thing You Need To Spread Your Message


Yesterday I had the amazing opportunity to go with Lori to the Brendon Burchard Coaching Summit, where she was speaking. When we were backstage talking with Brendon, the subject of not getting hung up on money came up. Brendon said his famous line, “You need money to sustain the message”.

In today’s episode, I discuss that one of the biggest things you need to do as an up-and-coming business person and entrepreneur is clear away some of these limiting beliefs and artificial ceilings that you have put on yourself. The biggest is when it comes to earning money, which people somehow think is selfish or greedy. I share my tips for overcoming that limiting belief and harmful money mindset.


Episode Timeline & Discussion Questions:

(1:04) Welcome back to The Chris Harder Show.

(1:52) Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras or Business Perspective messages to boost your day.

(2:23) Chris tells listeners about a great opportunity he had yesterday, to speak with Brendon Burchard.

(4:25) Chris shares the best thing you can do if you feel guilty about making money.

(5:33) Chris reveals how to get bigger podcast appearances.

(8:32) Chris asks listeners to share the podcast and leave a 5-star review.

You cannot help the
number of people that
God put you here on
earth to help, if you
can't afford to reach

You’re Going To Hear About:

  • Limiting beliefs and the barriers that we place on ourselves
  • How to turn your feeling of selfishness into selflessness
  • How to reach the people that need to hear your message

Resources Mentioned:

  • Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras or Business Perspective messages to boost your day.