Is it really the most wonderful time of the year? For so many of us, the holidays can be extremely stressful and actually take away from the spirit of gratitude and connecting with loved ones. That’s why about six years ago, we decided to create new traditions that actually get us excited about spending time with family without sacrificing what makes us feel good mentally, spiritually, and physically. We share our top tips and ideas for how to reimagine the holiday season and some things that we like to do with our family to celebrate.
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Instagram: @chriswharder
Listen to The Chris Harder Show
(1:01 ) Welcome back to another He Said She Said episode of The Chris Harder Show.
(1:58 ) Chris and Lori give a life update and introduce the topic of this episode.
(3:30 ) Chris asks Lori about her experience of commercialized Christmas.
(6:17 ) Lori talks about how she asked Chris, “what would it look like if we really enjoyed the holidays?”
(7:21) Chris and Lori share their new Christmas traditions.
(10:33) Chris asks, “what would happen if you had honest conversations to design a few days, or however long you’re gonna spend together, in a way that serves everybody without judgment?
( 12:51) Chris asks listeners to think about how to create at least one new tradition around connecting this holiday season.

Extreme comfort
and joy comes from
having that very
uncomfortable conversation.
You’re Going To Hear About:
- What would it look like if we really enjoyed the holidays?
- What would happen if you exchange the time and the money for experience over gifts?
- How can you create at least one new tradition around connecting?
- Our Christmas plans