How Any Company Can Elevate Their Customer Experience with Billy Boughey


Billy Boughey is the founder of a company called Elevate Experiences, an emcee by trade who leads events for some of the biggest companies in the world to elevate them and bring more fun, hype, and color to the experience. His expertise has helped organizations improve their culture, build stronger teams, build stronger leaders, and create raving fans.

As a former pro baseball player, his superpower is taking perceived weaknesses and turning them into strengths. We also talk about how and when to build your company culture, and his answer is going to surprise you. Billy is so full of charisma, you can’t help but love him.

Question Highlights:


  • What has finding the right people to be around meant for your life and career?
  • What would you put out in the open that other people are afraid to share?
  • Why do people make excuses?
  • What are your values?
  • How soon is too soon to start defining your culture and building a better team?
  • What takes an event from good to absolutely epic?

Guest Bio:

Billy Boughey is a nationally recognized host and speaker who has led events for Delta, Coca-Cola, Chick-fil-A, FIFA, The John Maxwell Company and many other notable organizations. He is the Founder and President of the Atlanta based company: Elevate Experiences. Billy’s passion is to create world-class experiences that inspire each attendee to live and lead at a higher level.

As a former baseball player at Auburn University, Georgia State University and the Philadelphia Phillies his experience includes working with many college and professional sports teams to improve their culture. His talents include keynote speaking and consulting groups on how to make their team members smile and their customers rave. His first book is in the final stages and will challenge readers to grow and improve their company’s culture. Billy has participated in many freestyle hip hop events and loves rap as a creative artform. Put on a beat and watch his passion to create come to life in vivid technicolor. Billy is married to Jenn and has three energetic children that you might see dancing on a stage near you!

Follow me on social media @ChrisWHarder on Instagram and check out

You’re Going To Hear About:

  • Finding the right people to be around
  • Keeping the underdog mentality
  • Holding ourselves back
  • Changing your values
  • Using new technology to talk about timeless truths
  • When to consider your company culture
  • The three things you need to think about with your team
  • What you want people to be thinking when they leave your event
  • Giving from the very beginning

Resources Mentioned:

Chris Harder

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