Reasons to Make Good Money Are Rooted in Love


Every good reason to make good money is rooted in love. It really is the true motivating factor for 99% of us. Some people want to pay their parents back, or provide a better life for their family, or to make an impact on issues that matter to them.

We have way too many people saying “money is evil,” or “rich people are greedy,” while simultaneously wishing they could live a better life, shift a cause they care about, or make a bigger difference. This will only stop when we start to push the idea out there that every good reason to make good money is rooted in love.

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You’re Going To Hear About:

  • The loving reasons to make good money
  • The two types of people when it comes to charity
  • Changing a history of struggle
  • Investing in other people’s good ideas.
  • Sharing experiences with others
  • The harm in pushing the idea that money is evil

Resources Mentioned:

  • Free training videos:
  • Money Principles