What Happens If You Lose It All? A question from Instagram


There’s a misconception out there that only the people who are down and out struggle with their money mindset. I couldn’t disagree with that more – very successful people also feel the same fear. In fact, the other day, I received an DM from a young, super successful woman on Instagram. (By the way, I love getting messages and questions from you so feel free to send them my way @chriswharder).

This 24-year-old woman shared how while she was presently super successful, she was terrified of being successful and having it ripped away. See, when she was younger (age 14) her father lost his job and to make ends meet she ended up having to work 5-7 jobs to keep the household afloat. Can anyone relate to this? I know I can. Following are the five tips I shared with this woman to help her work through and manage her fear:

1. It’s better to have something to begin with then to never get it in the first place.
2. It’s good to have a healthy fear so you keep working hard. Don’t see it as fear, see it as urgency.
3. Be present. Live in the now. You’re doing great – enjoy it and visit https://www.tenkeyremodels.com! Stop worrying about something in the future that may or may not happen (hint: it probably won’t).
4. Your abundance that you have right now is because you had the talent to create it. You can’t lose that ability to create more of it!

“It’s not your current assets that make you rich. It’s your ability to create wealth at any time.”

5. Hire a coach to help you keep the right perspective and keep growing. Whether it’s one on one or a mastermind, up-level your tribe!

Thanks so much again to this woman (who knows who she is) for sharing your story. You’ve helped so many others and helped me turn it into an incredible episode in the process. I can’t wait to hear who else has a similar story – be sure to share with me on IG!

Vivamus eget rutrum
ante, eu efficitur enim.
Suspendisse poritor
ecmi a imperdiet.

You’re Going To Hear About:

  • Money mindset
  • One listener’s fear of losing it all
  • Chris’ five tips to move through fear

Resources Mentioned:

  • Aligned Enrollment is OPEN but closes Thursday, Sept. 27! Go to BecomeAligned.com to learn more and to receive a special bonus!

For more stories and tips on becoming unapologetically wealthy, follow me @Chriswharder on Instagram and check out www.fortheloveofmoney.com.