How To Be A Better Advocate For Yourself


I want you to be a loud and proud advocate of yourself in 2024! In a world where the noise level is off the charts, being seen and heard can be a battle. Today, I’m here to help you improve your advocacy game by breaking down the who, what, when, where, and why of being an advocate for yourself. You’ll walk away from this episode with all the tips you need to confidently launch your next big product and be sure everyone knows about it!


Episode Timeline & Discussion Questions:

(1:06) Welcome back to The Chris Harder Show. Today’s episode is about being an advocate for yourself. 

(4:00) Chris explains how to get specific and consistent with advocacy efforts. 

(8:06) Chris shares an example of why it’s easy for people to know what you’re an advocate for. 

(8:53) Chris asks, “When are you going to be an advocate for yourself?” 

(10:26) Chris highlights the “where” aspect of being an advocate for yourself. 

(12:21) Chris encourages listeners to ask themselves, “Why are you an advocate for the things that you are an advocate for?”

(15:25) Chris asks listeners to share the podcast and leave a 5-star review.

It's harder to be seen and heard when there's a lot going on. That means you need to advocate even harder for yourself.

You’re Going To Hear About:

  • The importance of being a vocal advocate for yourself and your achievements
  • How to ensure that your message reaches the right audience
  • Advice for defining what you stand for and being consistent  
  • Tips for choosing the right platforms to share your passion

Resources Mentioned: