
maximize your
business growth by
elevating your


grow your
network by connecting with entrepreneurs

by connecting with entrepreneurs all making over 7-figures, who are committed
to growing your business as much as their business

imagine a
carefully curated group who...

imagine a
carefully curated group who...

  • Forces you open to a bigger way of thinking, giving your business unlimited growth
  • Invested as much in your success as you are
  • Helps you craft your next offer, income opportunity, or million dollar idea
  • Celebrates your biggest wins with you
  • Understands exactly what you’re going through in your life and business because they’ve been there too
  • Acts as a sounding board and is willing to go over ideas with you to make them PERFECT
  • Lifts you up with support when you’re feeling down from a shitty day
  • Is in your life at JUST the right time… there are no coincidences

Sound too good to be true? It’s not
when you join the RIGHT mastermind and get
around the RIGHT people.

This Elite Mastermind is a carefully curated, intimate group of successful 7-8 figure entrepreneurs who come together for one year to bond, connect, support, and ultimately grow their businesses taking their life and dreams to the next level. This mastermind will challenge you in all the right ways and help you overcome any obstacle in your way.

what do you get
when you join the
Elite Entrepreneur Mastermind?

  • You’ll start with a One on One strategy meeting/call with me, in order to make sure you hit the ground running and have a clear direction in the upcoming year.
  • TWO in-person elite mastermind events, featuring elite best-in-their-industry trainers, special group activities to facilitate rapid business and personal growth and collaboration with your fellow mastermind members.
  • Monthly Mastermind Group ZOOM calls for accountability, and better yet, a chance to ask the group for whatever you need that month in order to keep your business growing.
  • One-on-One Coaching/Accountability calls with me every month.
  • Access to our online members portal with hundreds of hours of lessons, recordings from past events, and more.

hi, i’m
Chris Harder.

In my first year in this business, I made $723,100 with my brand.
Since then I’ve gone on to make millions from courses, coaching,
events and training and this doesn’t include my wife’s businesses that have done
the same. But before I launched my brand, I was at a standstill… that
is EXACTLY when and why a joined my first mastermind and it completely
changed the trajectory of my life and business.

If you’re anything like me, you need…

  • Collaboration with other entrepreneurs
  • Accountabilty to keep me focused
  • a Community of Like-Minded people in your life
  • Someone to help me think EVEN BIGGER

For me, it took sitting on a domain name I (over)paid $17,500 for,
and an idea to launch a podcast that I didn’t do for months on end.
Finally, a friend of mine told me about a mastermind group that was
forming and would meet for a year. I realized something had to change.

It was at this first mastermind, years ago, that I finally committed
to grow my own brand… but it wasn’t my commitment that made
me successful, it was the ACCOUNTABILITY of the other mastermind
members who wouldn’t let me kick my idea down the street any longer.
They encouraged me to act and then held me responsible along the way.

Because of that mastermind years ago, I have now been able to help
thousands of others in their money mindset and businesses.
Because of that first mastermind, I have millions of downloads of
my podcast episodes. And it was because of that first mastermind
that I have the relationships and life that I have now.

Today, I am a successful entrepreneur, business coach, and
philanthropist, but none of that would have been possible
if I didn’t change my network and community. That’s why I
created this Elite Entrepreneurs Mastermind that will change your
life and business for the better.
Through exersices, events
coaching, and community team work, we will work toghther to create a
plan for your business, keep you on track through the year, and
hold you accountable in order to exceed the goals you had planned.

Our businesses can only grow
to a certain point on their own
and, ultimately we need a
community of like-minded people around us.

not your typical mastermind; we carefully select only those who embody these qualities:


We look for people who want to build long-term businesses, and not “get rich quick” money-making programs. Brands and people with high integrity only.


This isn’t your old boys’ club of internet marketers, hard sellers, and scammy copywriters. This is for enlightened men and women, seeking greater success as a whole.


We only seek individuals who want to build powerful communities and make an impact with their audience. If you’re in it only for yourself, you won’t fit in here.


Those who are committed to shattering the ceiling on what they deserve to earn. It’s unapologetically okay to want nice things in your life. They are the reward for the hard work and commitment you put in every day.


Those who have generosity and giving weaved into their DNA. They want to give more than they take, ultimately receiving new levels of abundance.


We look for people who want to build long-term businesses, and not “get rich quick” money-making programs. Brands and people with high integrity only.


This isn’t your old boys’ club of internet marketers, hard sellers, and scammy copywriters. This is for enlightened men and women, seeking greater success as a whole.


We only seek individuals who want to build powerful communities and make an impact with their audience. If you’re in it only for yourself, you won’t fit in here.


Those who are committed to shattering the ceiling on what they deserve to earn. It’s unapologetically okay to want nice things in your life. They are the reward for the hard work and commitment you put in every day.


Those who have generosity and giving weaved into their DNA. They want to give more than they take, ultimately receiving new levels of abundance.

what our elite members
are saying :

what our elite
members are saying :

Being accepted into the Mastermind and working with Chris is without question one of the best decisions of my life. He has touched not only my heart but also has deeply influenced and made a huge mark in the hearts of my millennial children. This kind of growth will affect generations ...Read More...

that will follow me. When the time came for me to up-level my business and work with someone, there was ONLY one person who I was willing to do that with. That was Chris Harder. Not only is he a straight shooter who will push you to stretch as far as humanly possible all while leading by his own beautiful example, but he will equally do it with such love, heart, and integrity.


Chris’s mentorship has changed the trajectory of my family’s life. It has allowed me to exit a career I was no longer passionate about and enter one that I was on fire about! Yes, the increase in income has been incredible but how I feel about my life is beyond words! Thank you Chris!


The moment my wife introduced me to Chris Harder’s podcast; my life, businesses, and relationships improved dramatically. Chris was gracious enough to take a phone call from a guy he had never met, provide solid business advice and continued to add value...Read More...

to me personally and professionally. He forces me to think bigger, take massive action and intentionally surrounds me with like-minded entrepreneurs. He is truly a genuine millionaire that leads by example; completely from contribution and demands that you live a big life unapologetically.


The Elite Mastermind is
perfect for you if...

  • You’re looking for a supportive group of like-minded people.
  • You want to grow your net worth exponentially.
  • You’re ready to take your business to the next level.
  • You are craving a community who’s there to hold you accountable
    when needed.
  • You’re seeking better coaching and better collaboration.
  • You’re not only in it for yourself but you love to support
    others and encourage them along the way as well.
  • You’re ready to play even bigger than you know is possible.

elite member success stories :

elite member
success stories :

Chris Harder has made a significant impact on my life both personally and professionally. It’s not very often you sign up for a product that is intended to support your business and end up with a mentor, a friend, and so much more. In my 20 years of ...Read More...

real estate, I’ve never purchased or signed up for a product and person outside of the industry. I was grateful in 2017 to be accepted into a high-producing yet intimate group of professionals and entrepreneurs in the For the Love of Money Mastermind. This has by far been the most impactful group in my career and it has introduced me to new lifelong friends. Blessed to have Chris in my life.


The Elite Mastermind is an expansive room, not just because it’s filled with extremely high achieving entrepreneurs but because being in that room expands you. I’m sure you’ve heard that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Think about how much your life would change ...Read More...

by spending 12 months around this group: the in-person meet-ups, 1:1 coaching calls with Chris, business workshops, and guest speakers. Now you see why the up-level is contagious! Everyone’s purpose in that room is so different and the same can be said for their breakthrough and where exactly that breakthrough translates as ROI in your business. I am forever grateful for the Harder team because EEM changed my life and my business.


Coaching with Chris has unmistakably brought more confidence, wealth, and opportunity into my life. Chris brings the perfect mix of tough love and compassionate understanding to our conversations and has a way of challenging me to rise to the occasion when he sees my own limiting beliefs hold me back. Trusting in Chris’ mentorship is an investment in a better version of yourself, and you won’t regret it.


ready to join the ELITE community?

the mastermind will absolutely make you uplevel your business


APPLY HERE and we will review your application to ensure you're a good fit for this community. Each person is hand chosen for this mastermind in order to ensure they are a complement to the community.


Submit your information below and we’ll review your application. Submitting an application does not mean you’ll become a member or that you are guaranteed a one-on-one call. If we feel it’s a good fit, and you are comfortable paying a premium to participate in this mastermind, you will receive an email with the next steps to take.

The Elite Entrepreneur Mastermind has a proven
track record of success. It consists of the perfect balance
that will help you to transform your business but not consume
all of your time and energy.

the perfect mastermind formula


  • One-on-One with me at the beginning of the year
  • We deep-dive into your business for full understanding
  • Plan the year ahead
  • Outline the best route to success!
  • Done virtually with just you and I!


  • Expert trainers in their fields
  • Convenient virtual calls
  • Learn from top entrepreneurs who have already been where you’re headed
  • Exclusive training and Q&A just for us


  • Small group work with your other mastermind members
  • Idea think-tank time problem solving
  • Build life-long bonds
  • Everything you and your business need is in this community!
  • Safe, supportive, and there for eachother


  • In person in order to cultivate the bond and relationships in this mastermind
  • Fun as hell!
  • Exclusive and Elite trainers and entrepreneurs there only for you
  • Personal development experiences
  • Exercises to push your limits and expand your mind and business


  • One-on-one with me
  • Every other month in order to keep you accountable and on track
  • Check in on the progress you’re making
  • Assess your business plan and adjust the milestones as needed


  • One-on-One with me at the beginning of the year
  • We deep-dive into your business for full understanding
  • Plan the year ahead
  • Outline the best route to success!
  • Done virtually with just you and I!


  • Expert trainers in their fields
  • Convenient virtual calls
  • Learn from top entrepreneurs who have already been where you’re headed
  • Exclusive training and Q&A just for us


  • Small group work with your other mastermind members
  • Idea think-tank time problem solving
  • Build life-long bonds
  • Everything you and your business need is in this community!
  • Safe, supportive, and there for eachother


  • In person in order to cultivate the bond and relationships in this mastermind
  • Fun as hell!
  • Exclusive and Elite trainers and entrepreneurs there only for you
  • Personal development experiences
  • Exercises to push your limits and expand your mind and business


  • One-on-one with me
  • Every other month in order to keep you accountable and on track
  • Check in on the progress you’re making
  • Assess your business plan and adjust the milestones as needed