You know that I’ll do pretty much anything to attract more abundance in my life, so today I’m sharing seven powerful thoughts that I like to say in my head or out loud every single time that I spend or receive money. By keeping these thoughts at the forefront, I get this certain pep in my step that helps me bring in more business, clients, and money-making ideas. Money isn’t meant to be stashed away一it’s there for you to enjoy the fruits of your labor and participate in the economy. I challenge you to find more gratitude and practice positivity when it comes to making and spending money.
Episode Timeline & Discussion Questions:
( 1:02 ) Welcome back to The Chris Harder Show.
( 1:12 ) Today, Chris is sharing seven powerful thoughts that listeners can think or say out loud every single time that they spend or receive money.
( 3:11 ) Chris explains how this works, regardless of whether or not you’re a spiritual person.
( 4:34 ) Number one is: There’s more where that came from.
( 5:27 ) Number two is: There’s more than enough to go around.
( 6:34 ) Number three is: Just say thank you.
( 7:17 ) Number four is: More is on the way.
( 8:52 ) Number five is: I created this, and I’ll create more.
( 9:51 ) Number six is: I’m grateful to participate.
( 11:14 ) Number seven is: That felt good.
( 13:03 ) Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras or Business Perspective messages.
( 13:30 ) Chris asks listeners to share the podcast and leave a 5-star review.
When you choose
what colored lenses
you're going to see
the world through,
then everything
starts to work out
in your favor.
You’re Going To Hear About:
- Why this exercise works, regardless if you’re team woo-woo or team logical
- How your mindset about spending money can hold you back or propel you forward
- How the law of attraction works with money
- Recognizing the feelings that come up when you spend and make money
- The power of a simple thank you
Resources Mentioned:
- Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras or Business Perspective messages to boost your day.