When A 10% Improvement Gives You A 33% Raise


What if I told you that you could earn a 33% raise in your income without putting in a ton of extra effort? In this episode, I show you exactly how to make just a few small but impactful changes in key areas of your business to significantly increase your revenue. Plus, I break down the math behind these concepts so you can fully understand the power of slight improvements. This isn’t just about numbers – it’s about unlocking a successful financial future for both you and your business. So grab a notebook and pen, and listen in!


Episode Timeline & Discussion Questions:

(1:08) Welcome back to The Chris Harder Show. Today’s episode is about how a 10% improvement will make a massive raise in revenue. 

(2:17) Chris explains the key areas of their business strategy listeners need to improve by 10%. 

(4:58) Chris breaks down the math behind this idea. 

(8:58) Chris shares another example of why this works. 

(12:07) Chris asks listeners to share the podcast and leave a 5-star review.

When you understand basic math or simple math, even in the smallest, most simplest of ways, it can make a big difference in your money in your financial game.

You’re Going To Hear About:

  • Why small changes in your business strategy can make huge impacts
  • The three key areas you need to improve by just 10%
  • Advice for thinking bigger to earn bigger 
  • How to take back control of your business in 2024

Resources Mentioned:

  • Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.
  • Visit my website: chrisharder.me 
  • Learn more about frello, my peer-to-peer lending app: frelloapp.com 
  • Follow frello: @frello_app