It’s OK To Pivot & Disappoint People


We’re talking about each time that we’ve had to pivot because of our interests changing and what it’s like to let people down when you transition into a new chapter of your career. Lori shares how challenging it was to let go of her brick-and-mortar gym and Bliss Project event, even though she knew it was the right choice. We also get into our decision to sell our signature Fast Foundations Mastermind and explain how to move on from something with respect and grace. If you can feel this chapter of your career closing and need that extra push to start a new one, this episode is for you. 



Instagram: @loriharder

Lite Pink: @drinklitepink

Earn Your Happy: @earnyourhappy

Girlfriends & Business: @girlfriendsandbusiness

Listen to Earn Your Happy

Listen to Girlfriends & Business



Instagram: @chriswharder


Listen to The Chris Harder Show 



( 1:13 ) Welcome back to another He Said She Said episode of The Chris Harder Show.

( 2:42 ) Chris introduces the topic of today’s episode: Why it’s OK to pivot and disappoint people.

( 3:26 ) Lori talks about her experience with selling her gym to pursue her online business. 

( 6:04 ) Lori says, “You’re gonna feel this transition period that just doesn’t even feel good.”

( 8:23 ) Chris describes the three reasons why the transition doesn’t feel good. 

( 9:00 ) Lori and Chris talk about how shutting things down leaves space for talented people to come in and take over. 

( 12:06 ) Lori shares how challenging it was to let go of Bliss Project. 

( 13:49 ) Chris shares a football analogy. 

( 15:52 ) Lori and Chris emphasize the importance of leaving in a respectful way. 

( 18:33 ) Text FAST to 310-421-0416 or go to to get on the waiting list and grab your spot for the next Fast Foundations Mastermind. 

You literally have
an obligation to
pivot and go
where you're
eventually going
to be happier.

You’re Going To Hear About:

  • Why you need to cut ties with business decisions that no longer serve you 
  • What holds us back from pivoting and how to overcome those fears 
  • How to know when a chapter of your career is done
  • The importance of not burning bridges

Resources Mentioned:

  • Text FAST to 310-421-0416 or go to to get on the waiting list and grab your spot for the next Fast Foundations Mastermind. 
  • Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.