You Have To Be Willing To Get In The Game If You Want A To Win


To win big, you first need to be in the game. It’s literally the million-dollar question – are you playing or not? As you know, success comes to those who take risks and don’t shy away from challenges. In this episode, I share real-life examples of my past investments, highlight what it takes to really be in the game, and share tips for increasing the odds of a win. Setbacks will happen, but with the right mindset, you can overcome them and come out on top. So, don’t hold back. Get in the game and start winning!


Episode Timeline & Discussion Questions:

(1:12) Welcome back to The Chris Harder Show. Today’s episode is about if you’re in the game or not. 

(2:52) Chris highlights what being in the game looks like. 

(4:03) Chris shares examples of when he and Lori benefitted from being in the game. 

(6:53) Chris discusses the negative side of being in the game. 

(11:13) Chris asks listeners to share the podcast and leave a 5-star review.

Being in more games than one increases your chances to win.

You’re Going To Hear About:

  • How to increase your chances of winning 
  • Tips for staying in the game even if you’re experiencing setbacks 
  • Examples of when I’ve stayed in the game and won big 
  • The most effective methods for diversifying your investments

Resources Mentioned:

  • Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.
  • Visit my website: 
  • Learn more about frello, my peer-to-peer lending app: 
  • Follow frello: @frello_app