484. Turning Your Daydreams Into Reality


What parts of your life did you, once, only dream of? I’ve always been a daydreamer and I see it as a form of visualization. The more you visualize something, the more likely you are to get it. I don’t care if you believe in the woo-woo version of this or the logical explanation, it works! Your wildest daydreams can come true.

I’ve dreamed of driving around the country in a motorhome since I was just a kid and, now, I get to do just that. I get to create memories with my family that will last a lifetime and none of this would have been possible if I hadn’t been a daydreamer.

So again: what do you have that, once, you only dreamed about? For me, it’s not just the bus; it’s my wife, Lori, the home we have together, the people I have in my life, and so much more. Without stopping to ask yourself that question — and more importantly, reflecting on the answer — then you might not fully appreciate things. And without stopping to smell the roses and take inventory of the things you’re grateful for, it’s almost as if those things don’t exist in the first place.

Be a habitual daydreamer.

You’re Going To Hear About:

  • The power of daydreaming
  • How I’m living my daydream
  • Taking inventory of what you have
  • Gratitude

Resources Mentioned: