Making Your Surroundings Work For You!


How can you make your surroundings work for you? There is a real danger, as well as an awesome benefit, to being surrounded by people who are more successful than you. We all judge our success against the people around us. If you feel relatively more successful than the people around you, it may feel good, but you may not be tapping into the abundance that’s waiting for you. If you’re surrounded by people who are all more successful than you, you may feel bad, but also motivated to do better. Are you letting comparison hurt you? Or are you making it work for you?

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Vivamus eget rutrum
ante, eu efficitur enim.
Suspendisse poritor
ecmi a imperdiet.

You’re Going To Hear About:

  • The importance of your surroundings
  • The pros and cons of comparison
  • The importance of gratitude
  • Harnessing comparison to motivate you

Resources Mentioned: