In a challenging economy, you don’t have to slow down. As a matter of fact, you can thrive, make more money, and get more bang for your buck. By just adding 10% for every 1% that the GDP is down in four areas, you can make more sales and come out on top.
I share ways that you can add 10% more time, effort, and added value to your customers, plus why it’s a good idea to add more to your marketing and advertising budget. Now is the time to invest more in your team, whether that’s mentors and coaches, or employees and contractors. Lastly, securing 10% more credit can help make up for any cash flow interruptions that you might experience. Listen in to learn more about my mathematical formula for business owners to prosper in a difficult economy.
Episode Timeline & Discussion Questions:
( 1:11 ) Welcome back to The Chris Harder Show.
( 2:01 ) Today’s episode is about the mathematical formula for business owners to thrive in a down economy.
( 5:14 ) Chris says, “The rule of thumb is to add 10% more in the following four areas for every 1% that the GDP drops.”
( 7:42 ) Chris says, “The first one is adding 10% more time, effort and added value.”
( 9:02 ) Chris says, “Number two is to give a 10% increase in what you spend on marketing and advertising for every 1% that GDP drops.”
( 11:16 ) Chris says, “The third one, I want you to get 10% more help for every 1% that the GDP drops.”
( 13:24 ) Chris says, “Number four, I want you to secure 10% more credit to make up for any cash flow interruptions you might experience.”
( 15:18 ) Chris summarizes the four areas where business owners should add 10% more money and time.
( 16:45 ) Text BULLETPROOF to 310-421-0416 to get on the VIP Early Access list for Chris and Lori’s upcoming course about how to make yourself bulletproof during a challenging economy
( 18:21 ) Chris asks listeners to share the podcast and leave a 5-star review.
Everybody else
cuts back and it's
easier for you to
stand out.
So I'm asking you
to lean into it and
be the one that's seen.
You’re Going To Hear About:
- A recap on what a recession actually means
- The four areas where you should be adding more time and money when you’re in a down economy
- Simple ways to add value for your customers
- Proof that companies are investing in people that move the needle, regardless of what’s going on in the economy
- Why you shouldn’t be afraid of increasing your line of credit
Resources Mentioned:
- Text BULLETPROOF to 310-421-0416 to get on the VIP Early Access list for our upcoming course about how to make yourself bulletproof during a challenging economy!
- Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras or Business Perspective messages to boost your day.